Dishwashers vs. Handwashing: The Shocking Truth About Water and Energy Use

If you’re still handwashing your dishes because you think it saves water, here’s a reality check: modern dishwashers are not only faster and easier, but they’re also far more efficient. Surprising? Maybe. True? Absolutely.

Let’s break down why your dishwasher is the eco-friendly and wallet-friendly choice, and how small adjustments to your dishwashing routine can make an even bigger impact.

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The Water-Wasting Myth of Handwashing

When you’re scrubbing away at the sink, it’s easy to lose track of just how much water you’re using. But the numbers don’t lie.

  • Handwashing: On average, people use up to 27 gallons of water to wash a full sink of dishes. Even if you’re conservative, it’s hard to beat the efficiency of a dishwasher.
  • Dishwashers: Modern dishwashers use as little as 3 gallons of water per cycle. Yes, just 3 gallons!

Think about that: a dishwasher can clean an entire load of dishes with the same amount of water you might use just rinsing a few plates by hand.

Energy Efficiency: Dishwashers Win Again

Water isn’t the only resource dishwashers save. They’re also much more energy-efficient than washing by hand, especially if you make one simple change: skip the heated drying cycle.

  • Handwashing: Heating water for handwashing requires a lot of energy, especially if you’re running hot water continuously.
  • Dishwashers: By using precise water heating and efficient spray mechanisms, dishwashers use less energy overall. Plus, letting your dishes air-dry instead of using the heated drying option reduces energy consumption even further.

Quick Tip: Just crack the dishwasher door open after the cycle ends, and let the air do the rest.

Why Scraping Beats Rinsing

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Here’s another common misconception: pre-rinsing your dishes helps the dishwasher clean them better. In reality, you’re just wasting time, water, and effort.

  • Modern dishwashers are designed to handle food residue. Scrape off large chunks, but there’s no need to rinse.
  • Pre-rinsing can actually confuse your dishwasher’s sensors, leading to less effective cleaning.

The Better Habit: Scrape, load, and let your dishwasher do the work it was built for.

What About the Heated Debate?

Some people argue that dishwashers aren’t as thorough as handwashing, but let’s be real—how many of us scrub every plate with water heated to 140°F? That’s the temperature your dishwasher uses to sanitize dishes, killing bacteria and leaving everything sparkling clean.

Handwashing might leave some grease or germs behind, especially if you’re in a hurry or using cooler water to save your hands.

Why It Matters

Choosing your dishwasher over handwashing isn’t just about convenience—it’s about saving resources and protecting the planet. Over a year, a typical household can save thousands of gallons of water and a significant amount of energy by switching to dishwasher use for most meals.

If you’re thinking, “But my dishwasher is old and noisy,” it might be time for an upgrade. Newer models are quieter, more efficient, and even smarter, with features that adjust water and energy use based on the size of the load.

Takeaway Tips for Dishwasher Success

To make the most of your dishwasher’s efficiency, follow these tips:

  1. Load it up: Run the dishwasher only when it’s full to maximize efficiency.
  2. Skip pre-rinsing: Scrape plates, load them up, and let the dishwasher handle the rest.
  3. Use the right detergent: Choose a high-quality detergent to ensure thorough cleaning.
  4. Skip the heated drying cycle: Air-drying is free and just as effective.

Your Dishwasher: A Smart Choice for You and the Planet

So the next time you’re tempted to roll up your sleeves and fill the sink with water, think about the time, energy, and resources you could save by letting your dishwasher take over. It’s not just a convenience—it’s a smarter, more sustainable way to keep your kitchen clean.

Need help with your dishwasher?
📞 Call Manny Appliance Repair at +1 (847) 257-6387.
💻 Book your service appointment online today!

Because your dishwasher is already saving water and energy—make sure it’s running at its best! 🌿

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